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Repealling "Murphy's Law" In Retirement Income Planning

Don Owens

The typical four stages of wealth are as follows:

  1. Wealth Accumulation (Typically ages 18 to 10 - 5 years prior to retirement).
  2. Wealth Preservation (Typically 10-5 years prior to retirement).
  3. Wealth Distribution (When you begin to draw for income at retirement)
  4. Wealth Transition (Transferring wealth to heirs or others at death).

Most money management strategies do not adjust to accomplish or even recognize these differing stages in your life. However, that is the problem… The solution lies in making an adjustment to how money is managed. Once you establish a retirement lifestyle budget you then need to establish a guaranteed source of sustainable income to accomplish that lifestyle.

  1. Establish a Lifestyle Budget.
  2. Establish a 6 mo to 1 year income fund (emergency fund).
  3. Determine your fixed income source amounts (SS or Pensions).
  4. Subtract fixed income from Lifestyle Budget.
  5. Purchase Income annuity to fill the budget void or GAP.
  6. Invest the balance for growth and future needs.

If you are currently well into the Wealth Preservation phase of life your retirement is too important to allow (a) Murphy’s Law to be in control. Transitioning enough assets to guarantee your retirement lifestyle budget will provide you a smooth financial ride in retirement.

In determining the amount and where to position those assets Annuity selection is the key to this process. You should explore these options sooner than later as there is too much to lose and time is not on your side. I am offering the keys to the retirement kingdom and have made you the ruler and not the victim of your financial future. Don’t leave your retirement future to chance and vote today to Repeal Murphy’s Law. Follow steps 1 through 6 above and you are to be a Wise Ruler of your own financial kingdom. Long Live the King.