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246 High St.
Hamilton, Ohio 45011
United States

(513) 256-4170



Financial Security Group in Hamilton, OH specializes in retirement growth & income strategies, tax free income, asset protection & estate planning.

"It has been said that People do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care."

My passion is to use this knowledge to help people like you make good informed choices on the most important financial issues such as Social Security Timing and how to obtain the most income with the least risk. I help clients to grow assets in retirement while at the same time withdrawing income. My training is rare and unequaled by my peers. I am recognized as an expert in financial matters related to anything listed above.

I use this knowledge for the benefit of my clients. I constantly monitor my clients needs over the years and as things change, "and they do" I show them the best way to adapt to that change. I am committed to providing the best service and have complete loyalty to my client’s financial and emotional well being.  I have done this with unwavering passion and commitment for 35 years.

The Indexed Annuity Leadership Council breaks down the guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit that provides predictable income in retirement.

DOWNLOAD Your Free Report Today: Preparing For An Income To Last A Lifetime
