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246 High St.
Hamilton, Ohio 45011
United States

(513) 256-4170

About the ChFC® Program

Founded in 1927, The American College is the nation’s leading educator of professionals in the insurance and financial services industry.

What is a ChFC?

ChFC® stands for Chartered Financial Consultant®. It is a professional financial services designation granted by The American College (Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania) to individuals who have proven themselves to be: 


By completing an eight-course curriculum focused on the comprehensive financial planning process.


By passing a series of written examinations.


By meeting specified experience requirements or having three years of qualifying professional experience.


By maintaining ethical standards and adhering to The American College’s Code of Ethics.


By earning their re-certification every two years through The American College, thereby ensuring they are informed on the latest developments in financial services. 

What can a ChFC do for you?

A ChFC (Chartered Financial Consultant®) is an educated, experienced, and qualified professional committed to the financial well-being of your family, your business, and yourself. A ChFC can provide professional guidance on a broad range of financial topics and help you:

Create a Sound Financial Solution

  • Achieve your financial goals.
  • Analyze your overall financial situation.
  • Identify your life and health insurance needs.
  • Identify your personal property or liability risks

Reduce Your Income Taxes

  • Review your current income tax situation.
  • Develop strategies to reduce and defer your income taxes

Increase Your Nest Egg for Retirement

  • Prepare a retirement plan that will meet your needs.
  • Select the best tax-advantaged retirement plan.

Increase Your Investments

  • Achieve your short and long-term financial goals.
  • Identify appropriate investment opportunities.
  • Design a portfolio that will accommodate your personal objectives and level of risk tolerance.

Enhance the Value of Your Estate

  • Provide for your financial security during your retirement.
  • Enhance your family’s security through the accumulation of an estate.
  • Conserve your existing assets.

      Why Select a ChFC?

      You deserve the best possible financial guidance.  A ChFC® is a qualified professional who can provide comprehensive solutions for your financial security.

      A ChFC:

      • Pledges to place your interests above all else when helping to establish financial goals and implement a financial solution.
      • Pledges to follow the latest industry developments and legislative challenges to help you reach your financial goals.
      • Pledges to adhere to a strict code of ethics.
      • Is committed to providing you with superior service.
      • Has successfully completed a comprehensive curriculum of college-level courses from The American College.
      • Has a minimum of three years of qualifying professional experience.
      • Is one of a select group within the financial services field to earn this respected credential in financial planning.